Virtual AGM
Please pre-register at by 5 April 2023 should you wish to attend the virtual AGM. Details of how you may access the virtual AGM will be provided to you thereafter. You may download the AGM documents here. (The documents are password protected. If you are on the alumni member, you would have received an email with the password. If you do not have that email, please get in touch with us.)
Quorum & Voting Eligibility
Life members are entitled to attend and vote at the virtual AGM. If you are unable to attend the virtual AGM in person, you may use the attached Proxy Form (subject to terms and conditions) to appoint someone else to attend and vote on your behalf. Associate members may attend but are not eligible to vote.
Members Update of Particulars
If you wish to (i) update your particulars please, or (ii) request for a replacement e-membership card, you may fill in this form.